Make a Dev Container
Here's the steps I follow to add dev container support to an existing GitHub project
I made a really simple app that works normally, it's called and it converts gas prices in liters and gallons and over 150 different currencies
Mobile-Friendly Footers
I added a footer to my site, but saw it kept getting pushed "below the fold" on mobile. I tried fixing with env(safe-area-inset-bottom) and viewport-fit=cover until I learned about dynamic viewport-percentage units like dvh
Using JSX on CodePen
If you like JSX and CodePen, you'll be happy to learn you can write JSX on CodePen pretty easily
Fixing Surprising HSTS Behavior from Cloudflare and Netlify
Netlify and Cloudflare both handle HSTS in surprising ways, here's some explanation and instructions if you're getting surprised and confused by what's going on
Tutorial Review: Creating Native Web Components
I worked my way through a Web Components tutorial, here's what I learned about web components... and tutorials
Using Lighthouse CI with GitHub Actions
This article explains the steps to integrate Lighthouse into your pull request process using GitHub Actions
Making an App in 10 Days
I took an app from nothing but an idea to being published in the Google Play Store in a little under two weeks. But I had a few surprises along the way and I’d like to share them.
How to Keep a Normal Phone Number Overseas
Google Voice lets me keep my phone number while traveling outside the US and using foreign phone carriers. It's a little strange, but it's a lot less weird than the alternatives.
Essential Apps and Tips for Day 1 in a Foreign Country
International travel offers tremendous opportunities, but can also some present some not-so-fun challenges. I'm going to share some of my favorite ways of dealing with those situations.
Making A/B Tests Look Less Gross
A/B tests are great. Layout shifts are not. Let me show you some ways to make your A/B tests less visually awful.
DNS for Web Developers
Whenever colleagues would mention DNS configuration, I'd feel a sense of dread. If you've ever had that feeling, this article will help you.
Mistakes I Made Building My First React App
I wrote a game as my first React app and made a bunch of mistakes. But if I could do it all over again, I'd probably do it the exact same way.
Getting Content from Contentful into Eleventy
This is a condensed version of an excellent article on Contentful's website for importing data into Eleventy
Why Online Voting is So Hard
Making a voting system is hard, and today’s tech (including blockchain) doesn’t address the hard parts: providing a secret ballot voters can verify and ensuring only eligible voters get a ballot.
Free Ideas for Free Learning
Professional development doesn't have to be expensive, you just need focus and commitment. Here are some free ideas to jumpstart your team's growth.
Learning More with Less
Just like a gym, an online learning platform can be a great deal... if you use it. Here's what we learned when we canceled our team membership.